Software Details

Most commonly available software packages are installed on the /gpfs/softs fileset, and are maintained by either the HPC support team or Cenaero SCPs (Software Contact Person). Cenaero does not provide licenses or general access to commercial software packages beside commercial compilers, debugging and related tools, users have to bring their own licenses. Access to the installed commercial software packages is restricted to the group of users covered by the license.

Project specific software packages should be installed and maintened in their respective project directory (e.g. /gpfs/projects/<institution>/<project_name>/softs/)

→ Modules & usage The environment for most software packages is managed via the Lua-based module system, Lmod. The complete Lmod documentation is available at

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Software maintainers: you are now required to write your modulefiles in Lua

→ Available software & organisation

→ EasyBuild

→ Compiling & Linking

→ Compilers


→ Parallel tools & debuggers