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Most FAQ


1. How can I change the temporary password?

You need to connect at least once via SSH on the login nodes. This will allow you to change the temporary password, and will also automatically create your home directory (which is required before being able to log on the Open OnDemand portal).

2. The temporary password works only for logging into the support system.

See FAQ.1. How can I change the temporary password?.

3. I cannot log on to the Open OnDemand web portal.

See FAQ.1. How can I change the temporary password?.

Setgid (Set Group ID)

4. Why does the error "Disk quota exceeded" appear when creating files?

This error often occurs when the parent directory's setgid bit is missing, causing new files to inherit a group without allocated quota. For non-project Unix groups (user group for example), quotas on /gpfs/projects and /gpfs/scratch filesets are minimal (16KB and 1 file).


5. How can I preserve the setgid bit when copying or moving directories?

Commands like mv or scp preserve the original permissions and ownership, bypassing the setgid rules of the destination directory.


  • Instead of mv use cp (without -p to avoid preserving permissions).

  • Instead of scp use rsync with --no-p (turns off the preserve permissions), --no-g (turns off the preserve group) and --chmod=ug=rwX (ensures that all non-masked bits get enabled):

    > rsync -av --progress --no-p --no-g --chmod=ug=rwX <src> <dest>

6. What should I do if the setgid bit is missing on a directory?

Use the chmod command to restore the setgid bit.

# set the setgid bit on directory 'project01'
> chmod g+s project01

You can automate this process on multiple directories with the find command:

# replace <myusername> with your username
> find /path/to/project -type d -user myusername ! -perm -g=s -exec chmod g+s {} \;

6. How can I fix incorrect group ownership on existing files or directories?

Use the `chown`` command to change group ownership of existing file / directories.

# set group ownership to 'project01' for file 'toto'
> chown :project01 toto

Use the find command to identify files or directories with incorrect group ownership and correct them:

# replace <myusername> with your username
# replace <project01> with the correct group name
> find /path/to/project -user myusername ! -group project01 -exec chgrp project01 {} \;